Our Group
Pianigiani LLC was born in Siena in the 30s and got specialised straight away in the fields of scrap iron and metal collection and recovery, dealing later with other types of materials such as scrap paper, wood, plastics, packaging material and tailings. Since four generations, our group has been implementing a path of constant growth and an infrastructural, technical, and organisational development, seeking an ever-greater specialisation and a progressive expansion of the offered services, finding a positive feedback among industrial and artisan companies. Nowadays, the plant stretches on an area of 40000 sq. m., of which 8000 occupied by covered warehousing. The trademark of Pianigiani Rottami LLC on a sky-blue background, with the sentence “the culture of salvaging” against a grass-green background, has been used for many years to symbolise the history and the values of a family who has always been tied to the salvaging of new raw materials from waste.
The story starts with Mr Giuseppe Pianigiani, aka “the little Millionaire”, who was born in Monteroni D’Arbia (SI), especially active at the times of World War I, and it was carried on by his son Piero, active during and after World War II, who used to collect rabbit skins for felts, lamb skins, bones, paper, and scrap iron and metal for small farms. Giuseppe Pianigiani, Piero’s son, and his wife Maria Teresa Cerboni made the name of the company grow, also thanks to the economic boom of the 60s and 70s. His son Antonello Pianigiani, current majority shareholder of the company and sole director, together with his wife Antonietta Panarelli, has the merit of having given the industrial turning point and of having made the business grow exponentially both in terms of quantity and process. investing in modern high-tech machinery giving it a national dimension. And the story goes on: the company is entering, full-fledged, into the 5th generation, represented by the sons Elena and Francesco Pianigiani.
The companies of Group Pianigiani Immobiliare srl

S.I.R. LLC (third-party road transportation) performs waste collection and transportation also in ADR. It is enrolled in the national register of the waste management companies for the following categories: 1st Cat. Class B, 4th Cat. Classes C and D, 5th Cat. Class D, 8th Cat. Class F.
Radio Siena TV is an editorial leader group responsible for local information in the province of Siena. Through the online masthead, radio and TV - available on digital terrestrial channel 91 throughout the Tuscany region - it professionally covers information on the territory and at the same time distributes entertainment content in step with the social and cultural changes of the territory itself.
Ethical principles and values guiding our work
The values pursued by Pianigiani Rottami LLC express the company’s commitment in developing in harmony with the territory and the social fabric in which it operates. A code of ethics guiding the operations of the management and all the collaborators stands at the basis for all future development strategies.
Fairness and honesty
Management, dipendenti e collaboratori esterni devono operare con la massima trasparenza, diligenza, lealtà, serietà e integrità morale, nel rispetto delle procedure aziendali e del Codice Etico.
Commitment and responsibility
All the staff members contribute to the success of the company with their everyday dedication.
Consistency and equity
All actions and relationships must be realised in tune with the ethical principles, to guarantee objectivity, fairness, and impartiality.
All internal and external relationships must be built on the utmost clarity and the absolute respect of the internal regulations and procedures.
The respect of human rights and the physical, cultural, and moral integrity of the individual represent fundamental values which must be guaranteed by a working environment whereby people can express themselves without discrimination.
Sustainable development
We support a corporate culture integrating the business strategies with the attention paid to the social and economic development of our territory. This is a concrete commitment which is expressed through the adoption of a responsible social behaviour, in compliance with the community and the environment.
Sustainability is the challenge of integrating and conciliating social, environmental, and economic aspects into the company policies.
Initiatives for the community
Medical car donated to the Misericordia di Buonconvento in the year 2020

Aperitif with companies. Dating cycle. "The challenge of the circular economy" (2017)

IMPRESANDO 2011 female entrepreneurship - CCIAA course lecturer

AIDDA - Fare impresa al femminile (2022)

Donation of an "Esaote" ultrasound machine to LILT (2009)
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On October 22, 2013, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Siena Chamber of Commerce, our company was awarded the Award for Long-Life Enterprises of the Province of Siena for its solid contribution over time to the economic development of the area.

On the initiative and impulse of the art critic Gilberto Madioni was born in 1995 the "International Award Santa Caterina d'Oro city of Siena", to which artists, professionals, ordinary citizens, who like the promoter always want to make known of plus the thought and actions of the Sienese Saint.
The Award Committee considers it essential that the characters to be awarded each year, in addition to being significant for their commitment to their work, whatever it may be, are also morally unexceptionable people and who have also distinguished themselves in their commitment to others.
All the honored are members, by statute, of the "Cateriniani nel Mondo" Association with the aim of spreading the thoughts and actions of the Co-Patroness of Italy and Europe.
The 2010 edition of the Prize, whose ceremony was held on February 27 at the Teatro dei Rozzi in Siena, saw Antonello Pianigiani, owner of our company, among the awarded protagonists.
Thus reads the motivation for which Antonello was awarded the important recognition:
“Pianigiani Rottami, a Sienese company that has been developing work activities for years with new hires in our area. Its President, Antonello Pianigiani, is also distinguished by the contribution given to the specialist equipment of the LILT (Italian League for the Fight against Cancer) of Siena, in addition to the financial commitments in aid of city and provincial sport".
Pianigiani Rottami LLC is an associate of CREA, a center for environment and energy research in Colle Val d'Elsa, also joined by the Municipal Administration of Colle Val d'Elsa and the University of Siena, with the aim of realizing projects in scientific research and technological development in the field of salveable materials.

Pianigiani Rottami LLC is an associate supporter of the master’s degree in Control and Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises.

Pianigiani Rottami LLC collaborates with the master’s degree in Planification, Management and Control for water and waste systems.
Tour of Pianigiani’s plants
Pianigiani LLC, depending on its needs, is available for guided tours of its plants, addressed to the school kids of the area as to raise awareness about Environmental Education and the work involved in the transformation and the recovery of waste.It is possible, on demand, to host internships in collaboration with high schools and universities.